A New Rugged Cross

A New Rugged Cross

Every now and then, even the world’s stalwarts of tradition like houses of worship can use a bit of spiffy-fying on the brand side. So they came to me for some spiff ‘n polish. After a bit of research on the history and intricacies of Celtic Crosses, I was...
Big City Lights

Big City Lights

It appears we’ve chosen to come into town for a change. Hey, nuthin’ like indoor plumin’ to draw a bunch of cedar-choppers like us outa the hills. Whathehey, who am I kiddin’? We’re all a bunch of freakin’ townies. Pampered...
Enis Saves The World!

Enis Saves The World!

Click the icon below to play media. This is a Galaxian-style flash video game that was originally going to sport a “retro-space” theme titled “Dung Dodger In The 24th And A Half Century”. But in an effort to avoid any possible conundrums with...
The Straight Dope

The Straight Dope

Click the icon below to play media. Do you find yourself in search of the deepest secrets of Life, the Universe, and Everything? Don’t settle for some low-dig numeric pacification. Consult a genuine oracle and get the straight dope. Then divide and conquer your...