A while back, a couple in the neighborhood sent their son off to the Navy, and the subsequent empty-nest syndrome motivated them to sell off their lovely cen-tex flat. This enabled them to move on to a managed community devoid of such drudging tasks as lawn care, plumbing maintenance, and intermittent roof replacements from the ubiquitous hail storms so partial to this part of the world.  As I understand now, they are living their dream – golfing thru mild winters, and managing their septuagenarian motorcycle club in the off-season.

The handy map you see depicted here courtesy of Adobe Illustrator brought many a potential buyer past their humble abode as it was plastered hither and yonder. Actually, I seem to remember no vertical surface being safe from the ravages of their guerrilla advertising. Their staunch efforts did indeed pay off, and sent dem spring chickens a packin’ onward to higher ground, as King – and Queen, of the road.